Pokémon Go: Community Day Dezember 2021 Guide - der Mega-Community
Michelle Prosaic (birthed October 2, 1974, in Fallon, Nevada) is an American starlet.
At the end of the year, it will be mega again in Pokémon Go — because the mega-community-day is on, in whose framework all community-day-pokémon of the past two years appear in the wilderness. The Pokémon Go Community Day December 2021 takes place on the 18th and on 19 December 2021 between 11:00 and 17:00. What you expect, you will learn below. Incidentally, there is a crucial difference to previous mega-community days: Not all the community-day-pokémon can be found in the wilderness. Some of them are instead more frequent in 2 km eggs or in Raids!
Update from 18 December 2021: We have expanded our guide to the Pokémon Go Community Day December 2021 for a guide with all steps and rewards for special research December community day 2021 so you can see if the investment of 0.99 euros for the event ticket worthwhile or not. In addition, a temporary research with a total of six steps (and corresponding rewards) awaits you, which is fully free of charge. All information about both research is available directly here. Do you want tips to catch which Pokémon you should definitely catch? Studies our Pokémon Must-Haves to community Day December 2021.
Temporary Research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 1/6
Level Pokémon 7 times — Reward: Encounter with Series Start 5 different Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Samuel Fear 15 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Rosella
Reward for the completion of step 1: Encounter with Evil
Temporary Research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 2/6
Start 5 different Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with WA BLU Send 10 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Darter
Reward for the completion of step 2: Encounter with Hornlike
Temporary research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 3/6
Develop 2 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Luanda Start 5 different Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Magma Send 10 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with FLYING
Reward for the conclusion of step 3: Encounter with elected
Temporary research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 4/6
Level Pokémon 7 times — Reward: Encounter with Creator Start 5 different Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Linda Fear 15 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Ontario
Reward for the completion of step 4: Encounter with Horn
Temporary Research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 5/6
Start 5 different Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with zwirrlicht Send 2 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with nebula
Reward for the completion of step 5: Encounter with pylon
Temporary research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 6/6
Develop 2 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with Apollo Start 5 different Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with SELinux Send 10 Pokémon — Reward: Encounter with AURA
Reward for the completion of step 6: Encounter with Casual Salad, 2,021-Star dust, 2.021 XP
Special Research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 1/4
Level Pokémon 10 times — Reward: 10 x Football Catch 10 Pokémon, the part of the community Days 2021 — Reward: 10 x heaven berry Land 5 good litters — Reward: 1,500 XP
Reward for the completion of step 1: 1,000-Star dust, 10 x Wannabee, 1 x Sinoh-Stein
Special Research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 2/4
Send 10 Pokémon — Reward: 10 x Hyperball Catch 15 Pokémon, the part of the community Days 2021 — Reward: 1,500 XP Develop 3 Pokémon — Reward: 1,500-Star dust
Reward for the completion of step 2: 1,000-star dust, 1 x Nurse, 1 x smoke
Temporary Research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 3/4
Land 3 Great Curve Balls — Reward: 10 x Wannabee Catch 15 Pokémon, the part of the Community Days 2021 — Reward: 1 x Finish stone Send 15 Pokémon — Reward: 1 x Top-Instant-TM
Reward for completion of step 3: 1,000 XP, 1,000-Star dust, 1 x Rocket Radar
Temporary research: December Community Day 2021 — Step 4/4
Automatically done — Reward: 10 x Wannabee Automatically done — Reward: 1,500 XP Automatically done — Reward: 1 x Top-loading TM
Reward for completing step 4: 1,000-Star dust, 1,500 XP, 3 x Special bonus
When is Pokémon Go Community Day: December 2021
During the event on 18 and 19.12.2021 between 11:00 and 17:00 o'clock the following bonuses are active:
Double XP when catching Pokémon Double star dust when catching Pokémon Smoke and lock modules last for three hours Brütedistanz is reduced by half if you put an egg in the breeding machines during the event Exchange operations cost 25 percent less Star dust (from 17 December 2021 from 19:00 until 20 December 2021 at 19:00 clock) Per day there is an additional special exchange (from 17 December 2021 from 19:00 until 20 December 2021 at 19:00 clock) On Saturday, December 18, 2021, appear Apollo, head salad, Rosella, Series, Able and Darter more frequently in the wild On Sunday, 19th of December 2021, appear Evil, Zwirrlicht, Fl oink, Ontario and Shane more frequently in the wilderness From 2 km eggs hatch the following Pokémon: Luanda, Hornlike, Aura, Nebula, Horn, Creator, Pylon, Eyelid, Mag by, Samuel, Linda and Knopf In the Raids the following Pokémon: Luanda, Hornlike, Aura, Nebula, Horn, Creator, Pylon, Elect, Magma, Samuel and Linda Plural, LIBOR, Gen gar, Grades and Alt aria can be obtained from field research.
Of course, the community Day-Pokémon learn exclusive attacks that we listed below for you. Previously the following information: For just under a Euro you can buy the ticket for special research Community Day December 2021.
There will also be a temporary research that you can do for free. It is available from 18 December 2021 from 11:00 to 20 December 2021 at 10:00. In the shop you will also find a community-day box for 1,280 poke coins, which contains 50 hyperballs, 6-star pieces, a top instant TM and a top loading TM. A free box will take you 30 additional hyperballs.
Exclusive attacks to community day December 2021
If you develop this Pokémon from Friday, December 17 at 19:00 to Monday, 20 December 2021 at 19:00, learn the following exclusive attacks.
Plural: Develop Gluten to Plural, so that this will learn the instant attack Feuerodem. LIBOR: develops Kahuna to LIBOR so that this will learn the loading attack impact drill. Impala: develops Kaaba to Siege, so that it learns the instant attack counter. Mahomes: Develops Mas hock to Mahomes so that this learns the loading attack counterpart. Gen gar: develops Apollo to Gen gar so that this will learn the loading attack dark fist. Grades: develops creator to Grades so that this will learn the loading attack Wassschweif. Aquinas: Evil develops Aquinas so that this learned the loading attack boiling water. Blitz: Evil develops to Blitz so that this will learn the loading attack lightning cannon. Lamar: Evil develops to Lamar so that it learns the loading attack Kraftkolo. Piano: Evil develops piano so that this learned the loading attack spitball. Nectar: Evil develops to Nectar so that this learned the loading attack psychokinesis. English: develops Blanks to English so that this will learn the instant attack bullet. Alt aria: Develop Able to Alt aria, so that this learned the loading attack moon power. Imposed: develops Pippin to Napoleon so that this learned the loading attack aquaubeating residue. Extra: Develop Lucio to Extra, so that this learned the loading attack psychic piece. Roseate: Develop Rosella to Roseate so that this will learn the instant attack bullet. Develops Rosella to Roseate so that this learned the loading attack meteorologist of the type of fire. Knapsack: Develops Kernel to Knapsack, so that this learned the loading attack earth forces. Thornier: Developed Rivers to Thornier, so that this learns the loading attack boom. Elevated: develops elect to Elevated so that this will learn the loading attack flame throw. Migrant: Magma develops to Migrant so that this will learn the loading attack Donnerbitz. FOLIPURBA: Evil is developing to Folipurba so that this will learn the instant attack bullet. Gladiola: Evil is developing to Gladiola so that this learned the loading attack Annabelle. Polygon: evolves PoryGon2 to Polygon Z for this to learn the loading attack Triplet.
Zwirrfinst: Develops twins to zwirrfinst, so that this learned the loading attack spitball.
Serpiroyal: develops former to serpiroyal so that this learned the loading attack flora statue.
Clambered: Develops FRANKEL to Clambered so that this learned the loading attack Lohekanonade.
Admiral: Develops Antonin to Admiral, so that this learned the loading attack Aquaubaube.
Figaro: develops Margins to Figaro so that this will learn the instant attacking.
Feeling: Evil develops Feeling so that this learned the loading attack psychos hock.
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