Elden Ring: Beware of messages on the ground, they are full of liars

Elden Ring, this fabulous open world in which you can gallop for hours in search of treasures and heads to defeat. But it is also possible to send messages to players around the world. Did not you know? Let's see together how to communicate with your brothers and sisters of weapons, and above all avoid the Trolls that this system can cause. Because yes, many have been deceived with strange messages...

What is a message and how do you leave?

The messages are Luminous Scriptures that can be seen everywhere of the game, on the floor or on the walls. When you approach them, it is possible to read them and give you indications about a way to beat a boss or the location of an invisible door. Some can leave them the developers of the game and others the NPCS themselves within a specific history.

Initially, indirect messages were created by From Software to allow players to help each other **, although sometimes some messages are only there to laugh or relax after 100 deaths followed in a boss...

To leave a message , you do not need too much. You will need an object called finger of sorcerer blurred , which you will find in a corpse at the beginning of the game. After this, you only need to equip it. Next, a dialog box will open. Once you have written the message, it will appear where you wrote it and will be visible for certain players around the world. Another option is to use the "Messages" menu when you open the General Menu, just above "Multiplayer".

Japanese Players Victims of Fortnite

Now that we know how the messages work, we bring you an anecdote that caused confusion among the Japanese players of Elden Ring. In fact, sometimes the translation of the message is not optimal . Between different alphabets, it is difficult to maintain a faithless adaptation without context.

Unfortunately, players were trapped by a bad translation. Around a strong , some players had left the message _ "Fort Night" _ as a joke for the game fortnite, but the translation into Japanese gave the words _ "strong" _ and _ "night" _.

Therefore, many players thought that an event was going to take place after dusk, in the fort . Which obviously was not the case. Some even passed several hours exploring the castle up and down, convinced that something was going to happen.

TUIT Translation: _ "is crazy how Elden Ring's Japanese players kept watching players' messages「 砦, 夜 」(strong, night) throughout the game and some began to theorize there was some kind of event / boss in a strong at night, but they were only English players doing Fortnite Memes. "

This is not an isolated case. These translation errors are quite common between different languages ​​and you may also find yourself looking for a non-existent object for hours.

The funny shift

But who has played the Souls for a while now knows that this message tool is at a delicate time. Each wall of the game has a message of a funny in which it tells you that there is an illusory wall that you can destroy, each outgoing to death, a message tells you that there is an object below.


The community has been degrading and the few messages of this kind, which until now were comical, are already exceeding. A title like Elden Ring appreciates a bit of spice, but you do not need all those who put messages try to be a comedy.
