The new Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action film premieres trailer

Although Live Action adaptations of anime are usually received with repudiation. However, there is a couple that have a good reception. One of these is the _ Fullmetal Alchemist _ ARAKAWA. **

It will be on May 20 when _ Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Chapter - The Avenger Scar_ Reach the cinemas of Japan. The first sequel will focus on the battle of Edward Elric with a villain who attacks the alchemists who work for the State Army of Amestris.

Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Trailer (Netflix)

The second sequel is _ Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Chapter - The Last Transmutation_ which will be released on June 24 , and focuses on the final arch of the original story. Both projects will have the return of the cast of the first film, along with director Fumihiko Sori.

Without a doubt, these are great news for fans. The first adaptation received good reviews from fans, who asked for a continuation. Well, not only one will be available in the future, but two. Remember, _ Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Chapter - The Avenger Scar_ will arrive at the Cinemas in Japan on May 20, 2022.

In related issues, here you can see the new trailer of super dragon ball heroes. In the same way, as well as the author of Naruto, he celebrated the collaboration with Nike.

Editor's note:

This project looks pretty well. Not only the poster is a clear tribute to the original work, but we are facing an adaptation that does pay an honor to the work that many love.
