Elden Ring: Runs Farmen & Character quickly improve

In this rune guide to Elden Ring you can find out:

  • Where you can farm runes particularly quickly
  • How you can farm the best place to keep runes... *... and what you have to pay attention to there

To improve the character level in Elden Ring, you need runes-many runes. While a few hundred for a level promotion is enough at the beginning, the need per attribute point later will increase to hundreds of thousands . We show you how you quickly become a rune millionaire in Elden Ring.

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runes farm in Elden Ring: The preparation

There is a certain spot in Elden Ring, where you can easily get a lot of runes. Before you go there, you should make a few preparations. Make some of the consumption objects “Golden Federierfuß” . The item briefly improves your rune yield. The associated crafting recipe can be found in the manual [2] of the missionary, which the notorious Elden Ring-NPC patch sells you in the cloudy water cavity.

Also see the abandoned cave in Caelid and defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon. This gives you the Goldskarabäus-Talisman . Revolves it and he permanently increases the rune yield as long as you wear it.

How to achieve the best place to run in Elden Ring

Unfortunately, you cannot simply open the spectral horse and ride to the best farming spot in the game. You have to complete a quest at the NPC Varré beforehand, which brings you the item "Medal of the Rein Bloodritter". You can then travel to the underground place “Mausoleum of the Mohgwyn dynasty” in Siofra. As you get the item, we describe in our guide to the quest around NPC Varré.

Elden Ring: Runs farm in the mausoleum of the Mohgwyn dynasty

If you have the medal of the pure blood drill, you can use it. As a result, you end up at the place of grace "dynastiemausoleum-entrance" . Run north into the forest. There are four Albinaurics (the humanoid opponents with frog-like minds and big eyes), which you can kill silently one after the other. Each of them brings you over 2,000 runes. Then you come to the banks of a lake, from which a whole horde of the red journeyman comes to you.

Fortunately, you can use ghosting here. If you have the immita tears in your luggage, you cheat through the pack and sag almost 25,000 runes . In addition, a hero run of level three lies with a body in the lake.

There is a small cave on the north-eastern shore of the lake where a few Albinaurs rest. Make them and you get over 8,000 runes. Also grab the golden rune of level 13 with the remains. Continue south and you reach a campfire with two Albinaurics. In the remains there is a hero run of level 4 . From there it continues to the southeast through the gorge. You now reach a path that leads a hill up.

Elden Ring: Farm Runs quickly-so you become a rune millionaire

A lot of Albinaurics rest along the way that you can do without resistance. Only a few individual guards patrol between the sleepers. If you have all done, then position yourself west at the cliff with a direction of view. On a cliff, a giant bird hikes at an angle below you , which you can draw attention to with an arrow. After a few hits, he will storm on you and fall down the cliffs. The bird's clumsy brings you over 11,000 runes.

A few meters further you will find the place of the grace "Palastallee". Rastet there and the resting Albinaurics and the giant bird return. Make them again, rest again at the place of grace and repeat the process as often as you want. With this tactic, the rune millionaire will become a runner in a very short time.

Elden Ring | 90+ MILLION RUNES! | Rune Farming METHOD! | GET Level 450!+ FAST! | NEW Best Rune Farm!

More guides on Elden Ring:

  • Elden Ring: defeat Maliketh & Bestierkleriker
  • Elden Ring: Rykard & Götter-related snake defeat
  • Elden Ring: All bounty hunter orders in Haus Vulkan
  • Elden Ring: Rya the scout-Quest around Haus Vulkan

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